Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on August 17, 2014 at 9:33 AM by Global Reach

Julie Clancy has been volunteering for the Carroll County 4-H Youth Development Program for 20 years.  She is currently the 4-H leader for the Halbur Lads and Lassies 4-H Club.  She was a 10 year member of the Halbur Happy Lassies where she found an interest in sewing projects that motivated her to study fashion and merchandizing.  She volunteered to serve as a counselor at the State 4-H Camp in Madrid where she met and married Curt Clancy, a fellow counselor.

When Julie’s oldest daughter, joined 4-H, Julie began volunteering as a 4-H leader.  Her three daughters, Alicia, Andrea, and Alayna, were active, involved 4-H'ers.  She believes in the benefits of 4-H and is constantly promoting the program and encouraging involvement of member families as well.  Julie welcomes families to club meetings and works to get to know the members and their families.  She will help members excel in their areas of interests.  She has a great sense of knowing when to push a 4-Her or when to provide advice. She celebrates the little victories as much as the big ones for her members.    

Julie provides many educational and learning opportunities for her club members.  Often times her club will do group projects involving the community so the members learn the importance of being active citizens.  Every year her club organizes the Easter Egg Hunt in Halbur; the members decorate pumpkins that get delivered to local residents; and the club organizes a Spring Tea for the mothers, grandmothers and other special women in the members’ lives.  She is always open to new ideas and is willing to give them a try.  If something new doesn’t work she is quick to move on to plan B.  Last year she reintroduced the achievement show, which is very beneficial to members who have never exhibited at the fair.  This provided members the opportunity to practice sharing their exhibits and gives them the opportunity to receive positive encouragement as they finalized their fair exhibits.  She has also had the members prepare a meal at the Ronald McDonald House in Des Moines, brought in speakers for specialized topics, made community decorations, and many other activities.

Julie’s passion and belief in the 4-H program are evident by her continued involvement as a leader.  She is always sharing opportunities at or above the county level such as: County Council, State 4-H Council, volunteering at the Iowa State Fair, serving as a counselor at the Iowa 4-H Camp and Collegiate 4-H.  She truly believes in the development of leaders that participate in the 4-H program.  Leadership comes naturally to Julie, and we are glad she is a part of our team.

Categories: Carroll

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