Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 12, 2011 at 11:34 AM by Global Reach

Gale VanAernamGale exhibits a tireless commitment to 4-H. Whether he’s nose-printing a calf, contacting auctioneers, hooking up the PA system, moving bleachers, setting up gates, lining up sheep, working with superintendents on show orders, meeting with leaders on rule changes, discussing ways to update livestock classes, or consoling a 4-H’er who just got a red ribbon, Gale is an ever-present positive figure in the Audubon County 4-H program. He is never too big to do the small jobs or too small to tackle the big jobs; and throughout each task, he continues to keep the focus on youth development.

·    9 Year member of Audubon Blue Birds 4-H Club
·    Served as County Fair Livestock Superintendent for over 20 years.
·    Serves as County Fair Sale Superintendent.
·    Served as 4-H Leader of Greeley Tip Tops and on County Youth Committee
·    Had three children in 4-H and now has grandchild involved.

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Categories: Audubon

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