Iowa 4-H Foundation

Posted on April 5, 2011 at 2:24 PM by Global Reach

Janice MuellerJanice was a seven year 4-H member of the Biz-E-Bees club, has been a 4-H parent and a leader for nine years. She also served on the youth committee and superintendent of Bremer County Fair Home-Economics Division for 12 years. Janice worked as a volunteer in the Extension office. She is currently serving as the Bremer County Youth Coordinator and has been in that position since 1999.  Janice has provided outstanding leadership to the Bremer County 4-H program for the past fifty years.  She works hard to support 4-H members, to help them develop their own skills and abilities, and has provided programming that helps them to accomplish that. One program example is the 4-H communication program with participation levels as high as 50 percent of county membership.



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Categories: Bremer

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